Re: IRIs everywhere (including XML namespaces)

On Wednesday, October 30, 2002, 9:27:57 AM, Julian wrote:

JR> Hi.

JR> If XML 1.1 namespaces allows IRIs as namespace names, and IRIs may contain
JR> unescaped space characters, applications that assume that they can use
JR> whitespace to delimit namespace names will break, right?

JR> For instance:


Correct (I brought that one up on the TAG call a couple of days ago to
general cries of 'ouch' etc).

Further, if you escape the space and then compare it to an IRI where
the space was not escaped, they compare as not identical.

If you escape the space between the two items, then its no longer a

Of course, if XML Schema allowed a choice of list delimiters instead
of just space (commas, semicolons, etc) then unescaped spaces would be
ok because you could use some character that was not in that
particular IRI to delimit the list (same as the " ' " and ' " '
technique for attribute values).


Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2002 15:39:40 UTC