Re: Binary Infosets

Chris Lilley wrote:
> 2) All other forms of binary infoset (including adaptive methods that
> allow arbitrary XML content and mixing of multiple namespaces) are
> thus also a bad idea. Disagree. They might be a bad idea or a good
> idea, insufficiently studied as yet.

I'm not sure one can reach a complete good idea/bad idea resolution. 
There are always (many) situations in which the infoset is better 
expressed as XML, and situations where that's not possible, or at least 

My axes of reflexion tend to focus more closely on finding out 
when/where binary infosets are a good or a bad idea, and when they are 
found to be a good idea what can be done given the constraints they have 
to integrate them as well as possible into the Web architecture.

Robin Berjon <>
Research Engineer, Expway
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Received on Monday, 14 October 2002 10:18:44 UTC