Re: now:// (was lack of consensus on httpRange-14)

Roy T. Fielding writes:
>It isn't necessary for the section on how
>to use the http scheme as a locator to also define all of the
>different ways that any locator can be used as an identifier.

It would be useful for the registration of the http scheme to define its
use, which I believe it does, and see no useful cause to extend that.

>In any case, the section above was written by me long before 2396
>(see RFC 1945) and I nobody asked that it be revised afterwords.
>Revising text in a proposed standard is a very painful process.

So, to summarize, RFC 2616, which includes the registration for the http
URI scheme, includes no explicit support whatsoever for use of the http
scheme to identify anything other than HTTP listeners.

I'm a lot happier with:

Simon St.Laurent - SSL is my TLA may be my URI may be my ascetic URI
urn:oid: is another possibility altogether

Received on Thursday, 10 October 2002 22:06:32 UTC