RE: now:// (was lack of consensus on httpRange-14)

> From: [] 
> On Behalf Of Julian Reschke
> So what do you do when you have chosen a 
> not-on-the-web-identifier for your XML namespace and later 
> find out that actually you *do* want representations for it 
> to be on the web?

  GET /car HTTP/1.1 

The scheme doesn't matter - to be precise the http: scheme is used to
locate resources, not to dereference them. What matters is the ability
to plonk a hostname-port pair in the namespace (at least for the web as
it stands today). You'll want to do that anyway to ensure you have a
unique name.

Bill de hÓra 


Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2002 05:02:17 UTC