RE: XHTML & hyperlinking opinions (long, sorry)

Possibly because they haven't come up for a really 
good use for it in a world where most of the relationships 
they would apply it to are either already there in the 
relational db or in the GUI description language.

Would you like to create a GUI based on extended links. 
I've seen it done and it is kind of neat.  I believe 
for this to succeed, someone has to build a browser 
for which that is its native GUI language and things 
like floating menus, cascading menus, treeviews etc, 
are extended links.   We started down that path 
in MID II.

Come to think of it, MS has a very nice XML treeview 
that works in an HTML browser.  Not extended links but..
a bit of scripting and an island something like this

<mytree:TREEVIEW EXPANDLEVEL = '1' id='oTree' CHILDTYPE='Folder' SHOWTOOLTIP='False' ONUNHOVER='endtip();' ONHOVER='starthover();'  >
 <mytree:TREENODETYPE TYPE='Folder' EXPANDEDIMAGEURL='images/folderopen.gif' IMAGEURL='images/folder.gif'/>
 <mytree:TREENODETYPE TYPE='noFolder' SELECTEDIMAGEURL='images/html.gif' />
  <mytree:TREENODE text='I/LEADS Tables' tooltip='I/LEADS Tablenames' IMAGEURL='images/root.gif'  >
<mytree:TREENODE text='A' tooltip='A Tables' NAVIGATEURL='V5.6.htm#AFMAIN' TARGET='RightFrame' >
<mytree:TREENODE text='AFMAIN' tooltip='Affidavits Main Table' NAVIGATEURL='V5.6.htm#AFMAIN' TARGET='RightFrame' >
   <mytree:TREENODE text='EMUNIT' tooltip='Affidavits Main Table' NAVIGATEURL='V5.6.htm#AFMAIN.EMUNIT' TARGET='RightFrame' TYPE='noFolder' ></mytree:TREENODE>
   <mytree:TREENODE text='DISPOSTN' tooltip='Affidavits Main Table' NAVIGATEURL='V5.6.htm#AFMAIN.DISPOSTN' TARGET='RightFrame' TYPE='noFolder' ></mytree:TREENODE>
   <mytree:TREENODE text='ADDCONSOLE' tooltip='Affidavits Main Table' NAVIGATEURL='V5.6.htm#AFMAIN.ADDCONSOLE' TARGET='RightFrame' TYPE='noFolder' ></mytree:TREENODE>


From: Champion, Mike []

I think I agree.  But to me the interesting question is *why* XLink has
gotten such a tepid (to hostile) reception outside the W3C itself. Why the
only browser vendor with any market share didn't implement XLink is a
question that in principle a number of people in Redmond WA could answer for
us ... I don't suppose anyone wants to take a shot at it, eh?  :-)

Received on Friday, 4 October 2002 16:29:21 UTC