Re: rdfmsQnameUriMapping-6

Julian Reschke wrote:
> Hi,
> I think we need to consider the following questions...
>  If a "standard" mapping from QName to URI is defined, ....

At the moment I don't observe a lot of people calling for this, and I'm 
not sure there is a good standard way to do it; as you point out it's 
tricky, and I'm highly unconvinced that RDF brute-force concatenation 
generalizes across applications.  Suppose we just say "in RDF they use 
qnames to stand in for URIs the same way that relative URI references 
are used, and they provide rules and that's OK" but don't try to generalize?

At the last TAG F2F we heard that Schema is working on this for the case 
of user-defined types identified by qname, it'll be interesting to see 
what they come up with. -Tim

Received on Thursday, 3 October 2002 11:55:31 UTC