Re: Why not XHTML+RDF? was Re: Links are links


> So stand-off markup is a requirement in your view. No global
> attribute names, no namespaced element names, only something that
> puts all of the link descriptions "out of line".
> Others have the view that links are sufficiently fundamental that
> they should be inline, recognizable in the surface syntax without a
> specific schema or other external description.

Very succinctly put. I think that both of these points of view are
valid for users with different requirements, in just the same way as
CSS and XSL-FO meet different requirements. XLink meets the
requirements of the second group of users. What's wrong with *also*
having something that meets the requirements of the first? Why does
this have to be an either/or thing?



Jeni Tennison

Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2002 15:46:12 UTC