Re: errors and failures

"Simon St.Laurent" <> wrote:

> On the HTML side, however, the lax approach to structure which initially
> made it easy to get pages onto the Web is now strangling us as
> developers try to do more with the Web.  Dynamic HTML and its brethren
> were an early sign to one group of Web developers that more careful
> coding was necessary.  Browser-war madness where vendors tried to keep
> up with each other's idiosyncratic corner-case handling was another
> consequence.  Perhaps the saddest consequence of all is the large number
> of tools for working with HTML (as HTML, not just text) which still spit
> out poorly-formed and not valid HTML with the understanding that it's
> the browser's job to cope.
> XML seemed to signal a change in this approach, taking much of HTTP's
> "it's okay to show errors to users" instead of HTML's "do your best no
> matter how potent the stench".  The XHTML specification seems to follow
> the XML route, but implementations are still catching up.

Most XHTML browsers show errors against not well-formed XHTML document,
when the document is served as 'application/xhtml+xml', 'application/xml'
or 'text/xml' [1].  That's part of the reason why the HTML WG
discourages the use of 'text/html' and recommends to use
'application/xhtml+xml' for XHTML Family documents [2].  I sincerely
hope more implementations support that practice.


Masayasu Ishikawa /
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2002 13:39:15 UTC