Re: My take at expressing SOAP HTTP POST binding requests in URI Space

> Comment; I think that mapping SOAP headers to HTTP headers would be a
> better idea than mapping them to query parameters in the URI.

There would be no benefit obtained by moving the essential elements
of identification from the HTTP request-URI to the HTTP header fields.
In fact, any attempt to do so (including DAV versioning) is doomed
to failure in the long run because it creates a separate dimension
of identification that needs its own access control, etc.

In other words, don't do that in HTTP.

In any case, the solution must apply equally to any Web protocol,
not just HTTP.  You can't write a bunch of HTTP headers down on a
napkin and expect a colleague to be able to duplicate the request
using common tools at a later date.  It belongs in the URI.


Received on Sunday, 5 May 2002 23:20:01 UTC