Re: [namespaceDocument-8] 14 Theses, take 2

On Fri, Mar 01, 2002 at 02:53:36PM -0500, Mark Baker wrote:
> I don't believe "information contained" is a good criterion.  Some
> content formats are very general (e.g. most image formats, HTML), others
> very specific (e.g. MathML, HRXML).  I think that in general, most
> resources can only be represented by one "class" of specific
> representation, but by an arbitrary number of general formats.  For
> example, a formula could be represented by MathML and any MathML-like
> format, but also any general format like images (the formula as a
> picture), HTML or plain text (the formula as prose), etc..

Right, so whether it's MathML, HTML or plain text, it contains the
same idea/information/concept; the formula. information != stream of

I'd use the term 'layer', but it's been abused enough ;)

Mark Nottingham

Received on Friday, 1 March 2002 14:52:59 UTC