RE: whenToUseGet-7 counter-proposal

> The whole point of mandating GET be safe is to allow systems to rely
> upon that knowledge. Search engines would not exist were it not for

reco-Mendating GET to be safe is a great goal.  But if you are advising
people to *trust* that any GET is safe, then I suggest that you clarify
the scope of that guarantee.  I like my original wording better, but I
would also accept:

"The above recommendation is being made because non-safe use of GET is a
widespread problem.  This recommendation has no way of stopping people
from using GET in an unsafe manner, but is intended to educate.
Therefore, you should NOT trust URLs (and particularly those with
querystrings) that were deployed before this recommendation became
effective, and you MAY trust URLs that are deployed after, to the degree
that you expect the whole world to drop what they are doing and start
following this guideline."

Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2002 02:10:19 UTC