Information Set


 we are given a one page attempt to define what "a document means".

 First what a document is "on the web":

 "A document on the Web is a stream of bits identified with a
 specific MIME type. The MIME type indicates to the processor
 how it may interpret the stream of bits to decompose it into
 a sequence of characters, for example, or a specific bitmap image."

 So far so good.  That is a systemic definition.  

 There is a list with possible solutions for determining in an 
 "unambiguous way" what a document "means".

 One possible answer is

 "The document forms a complete information set. Although
 expensive in the general case, it's not entirely unreasonable
 to imagine applications that examine an entire information set."

 Can someone explain this?  What is an "information set" and how does
 one determine "completeness" for two ends of a single transaction or 
 communication?  Why is it "expensive in the general case"?

 len bullard

Received on Monday, 1 April 2002 13:52:34 UTC