A vector drawing program with SVG

Your wiki page said to email about any SVG implementations.


Our commercial product, SaviDraw, is based on SVG 2.0 and can also export
SVG 1.1. Our files have a .sbg extension, but these can be opened in Notepad
and are SVG code.


It's a very easy-to-use drawing program for Windows. It features a new,
innovative Path tool that works unlike any other path creation tool. It
costs $20 (one-time fee) and is available only in the Microsoft Store
(because it is a UWP app).


There is a short (3 mins 5 seconds) trailer video on our home page:


After the pizazz of voice commands, at 1:10 you'll see the Path tool. It
makes it really, really easy to trace bitmap images, which can be imported.


I'm happy to answer any questions.


Best regards,


-Charlie Jackson

Founder & CEO

Silicon Beach Software

Received on Friday, 22 September 2023 07:55:50 UTC