Re: Error in SVG EBNF

On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 10:39, Bill Foote <> wrote:

> The ENBF at says:
>     coordinate::= sign? number
>     sign::= "+"|"-"
>     number ::= ([0-9])+
> This, of course, makes floating-point numbers illegal.  Surely that's
> unintentional?  One assumes that scientific notation was meant to be
> permitted, as well.
> Floating point number syntax is extensively documented in the SVG 1.1

A change disallowing floating point numbers from SVG 1.1 to SVG 2 is not
noted in the list of changes:

So it rather looks like an omission.

I couldn't find this on the bug list:

It might be worth reporting there too.

Received on Tuesday, 18 May 2021 10:35:18 UTC