Call for Comments: *Proposed* Charter for 2021

Hi SVG folks!

As the current SVG charter is up for renewal, we've put together an updated Charter to continue this group's work forward for the next few years. We'd love to get your feedback on it!
This new "Proposed" Charter focuses primarily on spec maintenance (i.e., bug fixes), but has enough scope to see work on "SVG Native" continue (see also below!).
The new charter tries to reflect the reality that it will be challenging to get SVG 2 to be a W3C Recommendation: we've not set any timelines for when spec-work would complete. However, it tries to motivate us - the Community - to do our best to get SVG 2 to Candidate Recommendation.  

The Proposed Charter is at:

Please send feedback via Github issues:[SVG]

Please also send any pull-request if you'd like. 

Open question: 

 * Should work on SVG Native continue? Or should it be moved to the SVG-CG or WICG? 
Kind regards,
On behalf of the W3C Team

Received on Tuesday, 15 June 2021 09:20:11 UTC