Weekly github digest (svgwg, svg-aam, fxtf-drafts, graphics-aam, graphics-aria)

* w3c/svgwg (+2/-0/💬35)
  2 issues created:
  - points-attribute: whitespaces and empty strings in SVG 1.1 vs SVG 2 (by dalboris)
  - Clarify that non-CSS rendering environments can override default width/height of embedded SVG (by AmeliaBR)
    https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/762 [Co-ordinates chapter] [SVG2] 

  9 issues received 35 new comments:
  - #763 points-attribute: whitespaces and empty strings in SVG 1.1 vs SVG 2 (3 by dalboris, tabatkins)
  - #762 Clarify that non-CSS rendering environments can override default width/height of embedded SVG (3 by AmeliaBR, fsoder)
    https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/762 [Co-ordinates chapter] [SVG2] 
  - #759 'Path' (entire path) vs. 'subpath' for markers on a start/end vertex of an open subpaths (6 by AmeliaBR, BigBadaboom, Doktorchen, dalboris, fsoder)
    https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/759 [Painting chapter] [Paths chapter] [SVG2] 
  - #755 Change arc grammar to coordinates rather than numbers and flags. (3 by smfr, tatarize)
  - #753 Rect decomposition is invalid (15 by AmeliaBR, BigBadaboom, dalboris, tatarize)
    https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/753 [Agenda+] [Basic shapes chapter] [Painting chapter] [Paths chapter] [SVG2] 
  - #752 Subtleties of the path data grammar (2 by dalboris, tatarize)
  - #750 Third parameter of arc in path data should allow signed numbers (1 by dirkschulze)
    https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/750 [Agenda+] [Paths chapter] [SVG2] 
  - #749 [animations] Remove the 'timelinebegin' attribute (1 by fsoder)
  - #717 Discard "discard" elements (1 by fsoder)
    https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/717 [SVG Animations] 

* w3c/svg-aam (+0/-0/💬1)
  1 issues received 1 new comments:
  - #6 Should structured descriptions be exposed in the accessibility tree? (1 by brennanyoung)
    https://github.com/w3c/svg-aam/issues/6 [Needs ARIA WG Input] [Needs Implementer Input] 

* w3c/fxtf-drafts (+0/-1/💬2)
  1 issues received 2 new comments:
  - #282 [filter-effects-1] What is the visual effect of filter() on the document element? (2 by chrishtr, tabatkins)
    https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/issues/282 [filter-effects-1] 

  1 issues closed:
  - [filter-effects-1] What is the visual effect of filter() on the document element? https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts/issues/282 [filter-effects-1] 

Pull requests
* w3c/svgwg (+2/-3/💬0)
  2 pull requests submitted:
  - Update links to SVG WG charter (by jwatt)
  - Remove old/unused subdirectories from tools/ (by jwatt)

  3 pull requests merged:
  - Update links to SVG WG charter
  - Remove old/unused subdirectories from tools/
  - Make the .gitignore patterns more robust, and simpler

* w3c/fxtf-drafts (+0/-1/💬1)
  1 pull requests received 1 new comments:
  - #386 Fix text to specify correct blend-mode on the root element (1 by chrishtr)

  1 pull requests merged:
  - Fix text to specify correct blend-mode on the root element

Repositories tracked by this digest:
* https://github.com/w3c/svgwg
* https://github.com/w3c/svg-aam
* https://github.com/w3c/fxtf-drafts
* https://github.com/w3c/graphics-aam
* https://github.com/w3c/graphics-aria

Received on Tuesday, 10 December 2019 17:00:49 UTC