"version" attribute of <svg> element removed in SVG 2.0?


I was looking at the "Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2
W3C Candidate Recommendation 04 October 2018":


I noticed that the <svg> element does no longer have a "version" 
attribute in SVG 2, whereas in SVG 1.1 the "version" attribute was 
documented to exist and to have the value "1.1".

On the other hand there's an example in section "5.1.1. Overview" in the 
SVG 2 specification where the "version" attribute is present:


"This example shows a slightly more complex (i.e., it contains multiple 
rectangles) stand-alone, self-contained SVG document:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<svg width="5cm" height="4cm" version="1.1"

And the XML namespace for SVG 2 is the same as for SVG 1.1. This is 
slightly confusing. How is an SVG processor supposed to distinguish a 
SVG 1.1 file from a SVG 2 file?

Best regards

Received on Wednesday, 14 August 2019 07:44:56 UTC