Re: Mistake in SVG 1.1 (Second Edition) spec

I'm not entirely sure what that sentence intended to say, offhand.  It
might just want to be removed?

Both of these properties (both "visibility" and "display") are
"inheritable" (in the sense that "inherit" can be specified on the child
and does what you'd expect, style-system-wise).

Maybe the spec really meant to point out that "display" is not inherited
by default (and yet it still hides its whole subtree)? (Unlike
"visibility", which *is* inherited by default but only operates with its
computed value on a per-element level.)  That is indeed a difference
which would be relevant to point out in this chunk of spec text.


On 3/3/18 8:26 AM, Ivan Gagis wrote:
> Hi,
> I found an error in SVG 1.1 (Second Edition) spec.
> The error is in this chapter:
> At the end of the first bullet of the list it says "Note that
> ‘visibility’ is not an inheritable property.".
> Perhaps, it should be about 'display' property instead of 'visibility'
> because 'visibility' is listed as inheritable later.
> Br,
> Ivan

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2018 01:23:40 UTC