Re: New SVG WG Charter

Hi, Amelia–

You know this already, from the SVG WG telcons, but I thought I'd expand 
on it here.

This charter is a short-term (1 year rather than 2 year) "extension" to 
let us focus on finishing SVG 2.

At some future point, we might consider closing the SVG WG and replacing 
it with a Graphics WG. That future point might be 6 months, a year, 
several years, or never.

Personally, I like the idea of a Graphics WG that would help unify or 
normalize features between SVG and Canvas, including perhaps a single 
shared Web Graphics API, but that's not the intended scope of this 
particular charter.


On 9/13/16 12:45 PM, Amelia Bellamy-Royds wrote:
> *SVG Working Group versus Graphics Working Group ?
> *
> Re Doug's draft charter for the SVG WG 2016/2017. [1]
> One area to discuss on the charter is whether it makes sense to expand
> the group's responsibility beyond SVG markup.
> When the HTML WG re-organized into the Web Platform WG, the Canvas 2D
> API was left without an W3C host.  I don't think work is terribly active
> at WHATWG, either (although their spec is still much more up-to-date).
> Last July, the SVG WG was asked if they'd take over responsibility.  The
> request was turned down at that time, partly because we didn't want to
> distract from SVG 2, but partly also because there wasn't room in the
> SVG charter for non-markup-based graphics specifications. [2]
> I would love to see better coordination between SVG and canvas.  Authors
> and user agents both benefit if rendering details are consistent between
> the two syntaxes.  The accessibility work would also benefit from
> greater coordination.  But it depends on whether there will actually be
> people & organizations able to devote resources to the work.
> Of course, since this charter extension is only for 1 year, any decision
> now is not final.  But I thought I would bring it up so that people who
> will be at TPAC can discuss with colleagues there.
> [1]:
> <>
> [2]:

Received on Wednesday, 14 September 2016 22:07:05 UTC