minutes, 5 November 2015 SVG WG telcon

The minutes from a telcon today are here:


and as text for bots, below.


      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                    SVG Working Group Teleconference

05 Nov 2015


      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2015Nov/0011.html

   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2015/11/05-svg-irc


          ed, heycam, Tav, stakagi, BogdanBrinza, AmeliaBR, nikos




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2015Oc
         2. [6]Removal of viewTarget attribute
         3. [7]SVG 2 progress update
     * [8]Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot> Date: 05 November 2015

   FYI, the meeting access code has changed

   644 384 016


      [9] https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=mfbd328afdc7c85003ed6c87919f43c67

   <scribe> Scribe: Cameron

   <scribe> ScribeNick: heycam


     [10] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2015Oct/0036.html

Removal of viewTarget attribute

   AmeliaBR: viewTarget lets you identify a target element
   ... it was designed to allow extra highlighting styles
   ... right now it doesn't have an effect
   ... but it could be important and useful for making views
   ... right now when you define a view, you're defining a
   rectangle that you're linking to, but that doesn't say anything
   about what actual content is inside the content is interesting
   ... if you have a screen reader, it could theoretically try to
   guess based on what's visible, but it's not going to be as
   effective as simply having the author say "show this view, and
   here's the important item in the view which is the focus of the
   ... and that would allow screen readers to have that link be
   ... right now, from a meaning perspective, and for
   target/styling, you have to choose if you're targeting an
   element or targeting a view
   ... if viewTarget was properly supported by screen readers, and
   as originally intended for :target stylilng, then you'd be able
   to do both
   ... here's a link to the document, here's the rectangle you
   should display, and here's the content inside the rectangle
   that it's going to

   shepazu: we've tried to specify this before, maybe not all the
   details you mentioned
   ... I don't think there's any problem with doing so

   AmeliaBR: there are two sides of it. one is to trigger the
   :target pseudoclass for CSS styling, and there's whether it
   should have a meaningful connection for screen readers
   ... right now, afaik, screen readers don't do anything special
   for views
   ... and it might end up being a dead link, as they don't see
   <view> as something that is rendered
   ... afaik it is treated as a link to an element, and the screen
   reader will you're assume you're "at" the <view> element in
   terms of reading the document

   shepazu: I'm all for specifying that kind of thing. are you
   volunteering to do that?

   AmeliaBR: the draft writeup is in the SVG Accessibility
   Mapping, but it was based on the assumption that this
   viewTarget="" was in SVG
   ... and as we were reviewing, we discovered the removal of the

   heycam: what was I testing, do you recall?

   AmeliaBR: the tests that you had were for viewTarget="" to
   actually create a view based on an object bounding box, which
   was never something that was in the spec

   heycam: I see

   AmeliaBR: that's one thing. the viewTarget="" doesn't actually
   change the view, and was never supposed to. you'd still need to
   use a viewBox="" to define the rectangle.

   heycam: ok. on that basis I would be fine for it to be

   AmeliaBR: are people interested in ensuring that viewTarget=""
   triggers :target style?

   shepazu: I think that's the cleanest way of doing it

   heycam: how do implementations do with bare identiifier :target

   AmeliaBR: it's mostly implemented as it works in HTML. I did
   find that Firefox had an issue where it wouldn't recognise a
   <view> element has having that class, so you can do it with the
   sibling selector trick
   ... if you markup is correctly arranged

   heycam: ok I guess now with inheriting from HTMLElement we get
   ... on <view>
   ... the only thing I could possibly imagine being a difficulty,
   is if both the <view> and the viewTarget="" match :target

   AmeliaBR: well, viewTarget="" also allows multiple elements to
   be listed
   ... so it could be a problem for implementations
   ... but generally, :target is a host document language thing
   ... it's just the case that the way it works in HTML is what
   CSS has been based on
   ... I don't think anyone ever implemented the xlink target
   things, which could in theory do the same thing, but I don't
   think there are practical implementations of it

   BogdanBrinza: from your email, I quite like the aria attribute
   ... in every screen reader that would need that functionality,
   you'd need to add special handling for viewTarget, so ...

   AmeliaBR: it would be part of the "SVG Accessibility Mapping"
   spec, which is defining how native SVG elements get mapped to
   ARIA-type behaviour
   ... so the browsers would have to know what an SVG <view> is
   and how it affects the accessible representation of the
   document, but individual screen readers would not

   BogdanBrinza: if web authors provide already aria attributes
   [is that enough?]

   AmeliaBR: there will need to be specific rules for <view>s
   anyway, as there are other ways in which they're unlike HTML
   ... as I said, we could put a lot of new authoring guidance out
   there to encourage people to use a new authoring pattern, when
   there's an existing authoring pattern in the spec, I'd rather
   use that, and get some backwards compat from that
   ... the other thing is the svgView target fragment, if I'm as
   an author using someone else's SVG image, and I want to
   highlight a specific part of it, I can create a view in the URL
   ... and in that case there isn't an element in the document I
   could put some aria- attributes on, it's only what I can put in
   the URL, and again we have this previous spec that says you
   could put a viewTarget in the URL
   ... so you would have both the rectangle and the element you're
   interested in, and you could communicate both
   ... and there's no way to do that with aria without modifying
   that document

   shepazu: aria is also not meant to invoke special magical
   behaviour, but rather just be instructions to an AT

   BogdanBrinza: for the presentation aspect, it would be hard to
   solve without those attributes

   <ed> regarding the viewSpec syntax for links, is that
   information typically exposed in screen readers?

   BogdanBrinza: about existing patterns, at the meeting, people
   were unclear about the use of viewTarget=""
   ... so I wonder whether it really is an existing known pattern

   AmeliaBR: the intended purpose was for :target styling, and
   that was never clearly defined/implemented
   ... so there's probably not a lot of content out there
   ... <view>s aren't used as much as they could be

   shepazu: it's a bit chicken-and-egg

   AmeliaBR: in all things accessibility-related, it's hard to
   convince them to put things in the document without visible

   BogdanBrinza: specifically for viewTarget="", we couldn't
   identify the functionality that was supposed to be associated
   with it
   ... we didn't discuss the styling/metadata aspect
   ... different people had different expectations about what it
   was meant to do
   ... and so I imagine authors would similarly be unclear about
   what viewTarget="" is for

   shepazu: is it similar enough in HTML or CSS that it could be
   familiar, or is this just based on it being in the spec before?

   AmeliaBR: if the alternative in aria doesn't have the potential
   to be extended to the #svgView fragment syntax...

   BogdanBrinza: I don't think aria- attributes will solve all
   issues, like the presentation aspects here
   ... might it be worth talking with the a11y TF to find out what
   kind of use cases we want to solve with it?

   AmeliaBR: certainly having a clear description is one thing.
   the fact that members of this WG weren't sure what it was
   supposed to do is telling
   ... but as far as educating authors, the viewTarget="" has the
   same meaning as the target you would use as an ID when linking
   to an element
   ... SVG has added feature that you don't just scroll to that
   element, you want to define a 2D view, so you link to the
   <view>, and the viewTarget="" provides that extra connection to
   the element in question

   shepazu: in terms of familiarity to authors, I agree it's not
   been traditionally used
   ... however this does seem to be the intuitive thing to do

   BogdanBrinza: I don't have objections to specifying it this way

   <ed> would viewTarget be different from the <svg> element that
   contains the <view> element?

   BogdanBrinza: but at the same time I feel like it might not be
   enough to solve the problem

   AmeliaBR: in the TF, we were trying to make sure that views are
   ... because you often link to a view, you need to make sure
   that when you follow that link, you end up somewhere meaningful
   ... and they don't end up in a random spot in the document, and
   which is unrelated to the intended perspective that a visual
   viewer would have
   ... if I as a visual viewer, and I click on a link and it zooms
   to a specific section of the graph, I would expect the screen
   reader to do something similar, and start reading from there
   ... so we need clear rules that views actually work that, so
   that the screen reader perspective matches the visual
   ... part of that is author guidance to use these extra
   attributes, just like we suggest to use titles and
   descriptions, etc.
   ... but part is also that browsers are able to go from the
   visual view to the content

   shepazu: and to be clear, not everybody has accessibility needs
   is using AT, or if they are, they might be using say a screen
   magnifiier, not a screen reader...
   ... can I suggest a path forward? maybe Amelia we can write up
   some use cases for the a11y TF, say this is how was specified,
   and then see if there might be a better way to define it
   ... and then come back to this group with a recommendation?

   AmeliaBR: I can do that
   ... I was going to offer to rewrite up the text for the SVG
   spec that would build on what was in SVG 1.1 but clarify things
   a bit better than they had been, and at the same time I'll come
   up with a couple of examples of how it should work if everythin
   was implemented the way it want to be
   ... and examples of good authoring practice so that something
   still makes sense even in an existing behaviour that doesn't
   have the special rules

   shepazu: I think Bogdan was making the point that if it was
   specified at one point, it was underspecified, so let's look at
   it again and see if it meets the use cases that modern authors
   ... and come back to the group with that. it may or may not
   match what the spec had before

   BogdanBrinza: that sounds like a good plan

   shepazu: Amelia I'll touch base with you on this one. there may
   or may not be something from 1.2T to reuse here.

   <scribe> ACTION: Amelia to draft text related to viewTarget and
   some examples [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-3827 - Draft text related to
   viewtarget and some examples [on Amelia Bellamy-Royds - due

SVG 2 progress update

   heycam: let's just get an update on where people are with their
   ... Types and Style are done. Painting has two issues left: one
   is about marker orientation, just needs copying some text into
   the chapter, second is about the new vector-effects text, which
   should probably move into the Coords chapter

   Bogdan: no updates on my chapters

   AmeliaBR: I took over some issues in the Linking chapter, still
   some items on my todo list for that
   ... I'm testing implementations before we change things
   ... e.g. questions about links inside links

   Tav: I'm making slow but steady progress on Text, getting
   things updated for CSS 3
   ... I'm getting to a point where I could realise use heycam's
   finished text layout algorithm
   ... I've got some baseline stuff to deal with

   AmeliaBR: I was in the midst of writing a response to your
   email about the Text issues. some I think we need to follow up
   with CSS about
   ... there are two different CSS specs, one that is published
   has a limited number of baselines, and there's another draft
   that reintroduces all the other SVG keywords

   Tav: all of them?

   AmeliaBR: all the baselines are introduced but these other
   keywords that nobody implemented got dropped
   ... we need to follow up and coordinate

   Tav: the one baseline I thought was dropped that might be
   interesting is ideographic

   AmeliaBR: that should be there, if it's not in the one spec
   it'll be in the other one
   ... but there were things like a keyword like "use-font" or
   something, that got dropped
   ... I'll need to read the other changes you made, but I know we
   need clear descriptions -- for example text on path doesn't
   describe how RTL text works
   ... and is horrible and inconsistent in implementations

   Tav: shouldn't be any different from single normal lines of

   AmeliaBR: shouldn't be, but startOffset=""...

   Tav: so I think I'm close to being done with what's in SVG,
   then I'll move my focus to the Shapes spec

   nikos: Rendering Model is done
   ... I picked up the animVal change, which I finished off last

   heycam: would you be willing to pick up the Coords chapter?

   nikos: sure

   Bogdan: in a Windows 10 update soon, we're adding external
   resources for <use>. we identified some issues
   ... we couldn't find any reference to enforcing CORS
   ... and implementations are inconsistent
   ... in Firefox there aren't restrictions about domain
   ... in Edge it's same domain
   ... the elements that can be used in external resources are not
   ... e.g. we don't allow <filter>, but we do allow <pattern>,
   ... all implementations don't allow script to run
   ... also, how many levels deep can you link to resources?
   ... in Firefox there are no restrictions, Edge/Chrome does have
   ... finally there's no way to handle errors loading external
   ... some of these things might be too big for SVG 2, but others
   like CORS need to be specified somewhere
   ... looks like the Linking chapter might be the best place to
   put this

   <ed> error events should fire according to SVG2 AFAIK, wasn't
   explicitly required before

   <ed> for the external loads


     [12] http://www.w3.org/TR/svg-integration/

   heycam: the Integration spec was the place we intended to put

   Bogdan: that spec looks like a good place to put this, yes
   ... second question is whether inline <svg> is a replaced
   ... the good news is that Edge matches Firefox and Chrome,
   ... at the time it was implemented, in IE9 I think, all
   browsers did something different
   ... but I think we arrived to a model that is pretty easy to
   specify, an algorithm, how intrinsic sizing / ratio / viewport
   in SVG integrates with CSS, etc.
   ... that does sound like something that does work correctly in
   implemetnations but needs to be specified
   ... for a newer implementer it would be good to specify this

   AmeliaBR: I would definitely +1 for getting that written down
   ... as you say, we've moved to a defacto standard with browsers
   matching each other but it's not written down anywhere
   ... and it drives authors nuts they can't rely on existing

   Bogdan: we developed a massive number of tests, close to 500
   with min-width, max-width, viewBox or not, etc.

   AmeliaBR: there's a section in the SVG spec that describes how
   SVG has an intrinsic size and/or aspect ratio
   ... but then it's connecting that up with the CSS and HTML
   concept of a default size for replaced elements

   Bogdan: there was a discussion this year about default replaced
   element sizes. but this issue here is wider than that -- how
   you calculate size given any amount of data, which includes
   100s of different combinations of max-width, etc.
   ... I'm not sure where in the spec that would fall
   ... from an implementation perspective it's a very common use
   ... putting it in Integration might let it move faster

   <AmeliaBR> Current text on intrinsic sizing:

     [13] https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/coords.html#IntrinsicSizing

   <scribe> ACTION: Bogdan to write up text about sizing, either
   in SVG 2 or Integration [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-3828 - Write up text about sizing,
   either in svg 2 or integration [on Bogdan Brinza - due


     [15] https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/coords.html#IntrinsicSizing

   AmeliaBR: looks like that section hasn't changed much from 1.1,
   apart from adding issues
   ... if you wanted to flesh that out it might be a good starting

   trackbot: end telcon

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Amelia to draft text related to viewTarget and
   some examples [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Bogdan to write up text about sizing, either in
   SVG 2 or Integration [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

Received on Thursday, 5 November 2015 21:44:04 UTC