Re: SVG animations without SMIL

On Thu, 04 Jun 2015 03:16:28 +0200, Brian Birtles <>  

> I think we need a path animation module that allows:
> * Animating between a <basic-shape>, <path()>, and <url>
>    (Where, as with the Motion Path Module, the <url> can point to a
>     <path> as well as SVG's basic shapes: <circle> etc.)

Wrt <url>, how should that work with slow networks? Are there any ways to  
guarantee that such content would download before other animations run?  
What if you need to run some animations while loading, but others can wait?

> * Animating between paths with different numbers/types of segments
>    (Different types of segments are easy to handle, but for a different
>     number of segments I think you need some concept of anchor points.)

This requires precise control over how the path normalization/segmentation  
is performed, if this is to be 100% interoperable. Is that acceptable to  

> * Animating the 'motion-path' property

Yes, this would be required to match what you can easily do with SMIL  


Received on Thursday, 4 June 2015 08:36:29 UTC