Re: Supporting an option deforming algorithm for <textPath>?

For the record:

Corel's SVG viewer did support the method="stretch" and totally did what
is expected. i.e. the 1.0 spec was perfectly adequate, browser implementers
get lazy:-)

My viewer did BIDI on textPath as well as proper SMIL animation of the text
path which both WebKit & Blink fail miserably on.

Agreed this is useful, and already specc'ed, the hard part is convincing
engineers to write the code for modern browsers...


--Original Message--:
>Amelia Bellamy-Royds:
>> That doesn't mean that we can't address <textPath method="stretch"> now.
>> It just means that we would want to do so carefully so that browser
>> implementations could eventually extend their implementations to other
>> non-affine transformations.
>I made a little demo of a glyph-deformation style of text-on-a-path a
>few years ago, which I’ve now put here:
>It’s a bit slow.
>Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Wednesday, 15 July 2015 11:26:34 UTC