purpose of recommendations and version indication for authors (was: Animating SVG with CSS)

Tab Atkins Jr.:

> > SVG 1 refers only to CSS 2, no current draft. CSS 2 does not contain
> > animation features, therefore it is nothing with a defined meaning for
> > SVG 1 documents.
> > SVG 1 clearly predates such drafts, implicating no defined relation.
> The use of such dated references is a spec bug; in reality, SVG uses
> the latest CSS that is supported by the UA.

It is the purpose of standards/specifications/recommendations 
about formats to say, what applies, not a bug.
The only practical problem with this is, that implementors typically (always?)
do not manage to implement completely and correctly what is 
specified, therefore if such bugs in implementations are fixed or newly
introduced, presentations or interpretations of documents change, 
that does not mean, that die meaning or correct interpretation of
the document changes ;o)

> Fortunately, none of what you just said is true, 

Unfortunately your claim about my findings/experience of the past ~17 years 
is completely wrong ;o)
This is quite surprising, because we are talking about the same programs
and computer languages - and surely you have tried to use them as well -
but maybe never by following such recommendations?

> and browsers don't 
> actually have to ship implementations of every version of every spec
> they've ever supported (plus combinatorial amounts of glue code for
> when the specs interact in different ways).  

I see, that this is obviously a practical problem, but if different versions
of a format do not fit together, there is no other way to get a correct
interpretation of documents following different, in parts incompatible
versions of a language.

> UAs use the latest 
> versions of whatever specs they implement, and web languages almost
> never carry version indicators; the big ones (HTML, SVG, CSS, JS)
> certainly don't.

Of course, current recommendations for (X)HTML and SVG have
version indications - you just have to look into them, you will find them,
the problem mainly appeared with the HTML5 draft - this has no build
in feature to indicate, that an author or document cares about this version
at all ;o)
SVG currently indeed has the problem, that there are a few bugs/incompatible
changes in the version 1.1.2 compared to 1.1.1, but there is no new version
indication for 1.1.2. If an author knows this, this is simply an indication 
not to use such an obfuscated feature. In doubt in such cases one has
to use 1.1.1 to get the right interpretation, if it not precisely known, that
an author uses alread 1.1.2, what is for older documents obviously not
the case, therefore 1.1.2 cannot apply for them.
CSS - this suffers as well from missing versioning, because it has some
incompatible changes as well, with the same consequences as described
for the few obfuscated features of SVG 1.1.2.
JS/DOM - mad history, uncontrolled growth - the explanations of DOM 
extensions for example in SVG recommendations short and uncharitable 
and without examples - these sections do not really fit to the quality level 
of the rest of the recommendations. 
This language is not really  a representable specimen of clarity, usability
and precision - to get something really defined, one needs to replace it
completely ;o) If one needs an example for something, where almost everything
went wrong, JS is a good one ;o) 
It is more an example for something, one needs to avoid
in development of a computer language designed to be applicable for
quite different interpreters.

> There is a certain theoretical purity to what you're saying, but it
> has not and will not ever be true on the web.

It is the daily experience of authors, that implementations fail -
well thats natural (and nothing implementors have to feel guilty
or assaulted about), therefore authors and users cannot rely on
the presentation of a specific version of any viewer - one has to
take into account, that it is incomplete or wrong for some issues,
but it can be improved (or degenerated) in the future.
The current daily business of 'web authors' is to work around bugs and gaps 
in the interpretation of already existing standards/recommendations.
But if this results in serving tag soup just to please current viewer
versions, soon they are really lost in nonsense (indeed, many are

There is no other choice for authors of long living documents (more than
10 or 100 years) as to write digital documents according to some 
specific standard/specification and indicating which they used, 
behaviour of viewers can change every day and that of a specific
one will not matter a few years in the future anymore.
You cannot update, if you have thousands of such documents,
you cannot update, if you are engaged in other projects, sick or dead.

Just if you write content only relevant for the next few weeks,
behaviour of some current viewers might be relevant - for
such an application it might be ok to serve some arbitrary tag
soup, that has some tested presentation just for today.
Something without a version indication like HTML5 might be 
ok for just stiring, rewarming and styling up undefined tag soup
to serve it as daily entertainment-meal, 
but it is quite useless for serious, long living documents. 


Received on Friday, 19 September 2014 09:43:05 UTC