RE: Some questions regarding transformations in SVG

Hi all, am only half-following this but, ya'll know me: more is better.

Seems like we're still about 10 years behind SVG1.2. But non-affine
transforms have been requested for at least 8 years and I could probably,
given more time, find a collection of at least twenty discussions on this
list about them. People like them, have reasons for liking them (isn't that
English for having 'use=case'?), and given the close relationship between
non affine transforms and gradients that are neither radial nor linear, can
be used to extend the class of gradients as well. I seem to recall someone
making a proposal that advances on both fronts be made concurrently. A mesh
can define either a warp or a gradient.

It is a bit of work to simulate non-affine transforms within current SVG: 

PS Ello now supports uploading and display of declaratively animated SVG --
the first social network to do so (afaik)

Received on Monday, 17 November 2014 11:03:35 UTC