Re: Some questions regarding transformations in SVG

On Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:37:35 +0100, you wrote:

>You really want to tell me that the SVG WG does not even want to 
>consider non-affine transformations for SVG because it might take more 
>computational power than "simple matrix math"?

Not just more computational power, but more expressive power. The space
of "non-affine transformations" is effectively infinite. Are you willing
to limit that to some subset (e.g., projective geometry)? Or do you want
everything? The more you encompass, the more your means of expressing a
transformation begins to look like a general-purpose programming
language. There's no point in reinventing JavaScript within SVG--it's
already there.

-Steve Schafer

Received on Saturday, 15 November 2014 23:05:03 UTC