Re: [SVG2] Clock-value syntax

On 2014/06/23 20:56, Erik Dahlström wrote:
> Hi,
> posting to mention a small issue that came up in a user forum:
> The Clock-value syntax [1] used e.g for the begin and end attributes
> doesn't quite match the way other numerical values (<number>) are
> parsed[2].

How about extending extend CSS's <time> production to include "h" and 
"min" and using that?[1]

Just as I'm sure it's confusing that you can write:

          animation-duration: .2s
but not: <animate dur=".2s">

It's probably also confusing that you can write:

          <animate dur="2min">
but not: animation-duration: 2min

As Robert points out, though, we'd need to work out how to handle 
negative values.

begin/end actually allow you to write, begin="- 2s" with a space in the 
middle. I'm pretty sure <number> doesn't allow that.

dur doesn't allow negative values (they produce a parse error in 
Firefox). I guess, like CSS,[2] we could say in prose that negative 
<time> values are invalid in those cases and continue reporting parse 



Received on Monday, 23 June 2014 23:38:52 UTC