Re: SVG cloning elements from HTML5

Tab Atkins Jr.:
> I said "browsers", not "viewers".  I don't care very much about the
> community of viewers, as their userbase is infinitesimal compared to
> the userbase of browsers.  This is a pretty standard treatment; for
> example, non-browser implementations of CSS have very little influence
> on CSS specifications.  (Not zero, but very small.)

What do you call a browser and what a viewer - what is the difference
for you, if both provide a visual presentation of a document like

And if Opera is a viewer for you and not a browser, give examples
for programs you call browser and not viewer...
For example text browsers like w3m or Lynx usually provide some
visual presentation as well. 

> Since you cannot use <svg:video> or <svg:audio> on the web, it's not
> very relevant for us to worry about.  I will formally object to any
> attempt to specify those elements in SVG2, as the WG is actively
> attempting to unify the handful of same-name elements we currently
> have with HTML, and adding more makes this much harder.  Adding
> <audio> and <video> in particular would be terrible, as their APIs and
> processing models are substantially different from HTML's.
> ~TJ

This seems to be more a compatibility problem of the HTML5 drafts, 
that reinvented the wheel once more here. audio and video in SVG 
are mainly reused from SMIL - unfortunately this was incomplete for 
the audio element, but this could be fixed in SVG 2.
Basically the 'deunification' happened in HTML5, not in SVG tiny 1.2.
I think, when this came up, the SMIL/SYMM WG offered help to
the HTML5 working group to get it right, but unfortunately 
this was somehow ignored and no we have these HTML5 drafts 
with an incompatible model, problematic for SVG. But because 
HTML5 is still only a draft, no official recommendation, anybody 
should already use for official, serious publications, it should be 
no problem to fix this inconvenient issue right now in the HTML5 
drafts without problems and suffer for authors, before some HTML5 
draft comes close to something like a recommendation, 
as SMIL 1/2/3 and SVG tiny 1.2 already are ;o)


Received on Thursday, 19 June 2014 17:09:18 UTC