Re: SVG cloning elements from HTML5

Indeed, due to SVG tiny 1.2 there are already the elements audio and video in 
the SVG namespace.
To align them to HTML5 behaviour would mean a backwards incompatible change.
Due to the SVG 2 requirements, this needs to be avoided.
Because the SVG tiny 1.2 model is anyway more advanced and more meaningful
for SVG, it would be better to expand this, for example by adding something
like the interface for the user, HTML5 audio and video can have, but SVG/SMIL
audio and video do not mention yet.
This needs more explanations, how such an interactive interface for the user
behaves together with declarative timing and interactivity noted by the 

If someone really wants the HTML5 audio and video within an SVG file, 
it should be ok to use them within the XHTML namespace and  within 
foreignObject, once HTML5 becomes a recommendation - this will be no 
problem already for SVG 1.1 or SVG tiny 1.2 documents as well, therefore 
no need for a change or addition in SVG 2.


Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2014 17:09:47 UTC