Re: Possible? External SVG, styled from parent document

> SVG <img>s are actually in a separate document entirely; it's
> basically the same as an <iframe>, just locked down more strictly.  We
> don't allow direct selection across document boundaries for a
> combination of security, sanity, and performance reasons.

Thanks for explaining. :)

so you'd set the
> property on the <img> itself and it would transfer through to the
> contained document *at the document's request*.

In the cases I mentioned, it would be almost ideal if the SVG could say "I
need to be
told what stylesheet to use", and the containing document could pass that


On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 11:11 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. <>

> On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 7:45 AM, Nathan Long <>
> wrote:
> > The SVG Parameters doc ( gives
> examples
> > of passing in values that include colors. Ordinarily, one would expect to
> > set such values with CSS. Is there a reason that this isn't possible, or
> > could not be made possible?
> The SVG Parameters doc is currently out-of-date.  The plan at the
> moment is to integrate it with CSS Custom Properties and var(); the
> spec will then become an alternative way to define a custom property.
> > My use case: I have a graph that I want to use multiple times in the same
> > document, but with different parts emphasized as I discuss them. The SVG
> > data is identical in every case, and it would make most sense to
> reference
> > it as an external .svg file.
> >
> > For example (rough pseudocode - I don't know if <img> or <object> or
> <svg>
> > would make most sense)
> >
> > <head>
> > <style type="text/css">
> >   #one #some_line { stroke_width: 5px; }
> >   #one #other_line { stroke_width: 5px; }
> > </style
> > </head>
> > <body>
> > <img id="one" src="my.svg">
> > <img id="two" src="my.svg">
> > </body>
> SVG <img>s are actually in a separate document entirely; it's
> basically the same as an <iframe>, just locked down more strictly.  We
> don't allow direct selection across document boundaries for a
> combination of security, sanity, and performance reasons.
> That said, it seems reasonable for the Parameters spec to define a way
> to take values from the referencing environment, so you'd set the
> property on the <img> itself and it would transfer through to the
> contained document *at the document's request*.
> ~TJ

Received on Tuesday, 19 August 2014 11:33:38 UTC