animateMotion keyTimes question

Hi guys!

I tried to fix an <animateMotion> issue in Blink when I ran into an 
indistinct part of the standard. There is a test case supported by 
where the animation of the fourth circle is defined as follows:

<animateMotion xmlns="" dur="4" from="-125,0" 
to="125,0" calcMode="linear" fill="freeze" keyPoints="0.8; 1; 0; 0.2" 
keyTimes="0; 0.25; 0.75; 1"/>

The standard says that "For animations specified with a ‘values’ list, 
the ‘keyTimes’ attribute if specified must have exactly as many values 
as there are in the ‘values’ attribute. For from/to/by animations, the 
‘keyTimes’ attribute if specified must have two values." 
In this test case we have a from-to animation with a keyTimes list of 4 
elements (instead of being 2 element long) but the animation still runs 
and is affected by the keyTimes and keyPoints values (all with Chrome, 
Firefox and Opera). In my understanding animation should have been 
ignored if the length of the list were incorrect. Am I wrong?
So the question is whether this is the correct behavior?

Thanks in advance,

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2014 17:27:18 UTC