Errata for SVG 1.1 2nd ed

Dear SVG WG,

I am reporting a couple of errors I think I have spotted in the Appendix F
(Implementation Requirements) of SVG 1.1 second edition
<> , so that they can be fixed in
the errata document. Details follow.

Location: F.6.3 Parameterization alternatives

Current text: &#952; [theta] is the angle from the x-axis of the current
coordinate system to the x-axis of the ellipse.

Suggested correction: &#966; [phi] is the angle from the x-axis of the
current coordinate system to the x-axis of the ellipse.

Rationale: According to the formula above, the orientation of the ellipse
is determined by phi, while theta is a parameter that varies along the arc
(besides, theta cannot be two things at the same time)

Location: F.6.3 Parameterization alternatives

Current text:
&#952; ranges from:
 - &#952;1 which is the start angle of the elliptical arc prior to the
stretch and rotate operations.
 - &#952;2 which is the end angle of the elliptical arc prior to the
stretch and rotate operations.
 - &#916;&#952; which is the difference between these two angles.

Suggested change:
&#952; ranges between:
 - &#952;1 which is the start angle of the elliptical arc prior to the
stretch and rotate operations.
 - &#952;2 which is the end angle of the elliptical arc prior to the
stretch and rotate operations.
&#916;&#952; is the difference between these two angles.

1) Grammar correction: Either "range between... (and) ..." or "range from
.... to..." (or even "through... to..."). But not "range from... (and) ..."
does not collocate.
2) Theta is a real value, which does not range between three values, but
just between theta-1 and theta-2
3) Delta-of-theta is another, unrelated value.


Samuel Martín.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

Received on Friday, 11 April 2014 21:05:40 UTC