Re: Deprecating <tref>

Hi, Philip-

Your message was formatted a bit strangely, so forgive me if I'm

On 6/27/13 1:14 PM, Philip Rogers wrote:
> The 0.0000003% number is from all uses of <tref> (including linked
> resources, images, etc.) divided by the total number of pages.

I think the question was, is that 0.0000003% of all *web pages* 
(including HTML), or of all *SVG* files.

> It is surprising to me that the spec authors would push to keep this
> in the spec knowing it's almost entirely unused and that the last
> remaining browser implementation is actively moving to remove it.
> What a disservice to SVG authors.

I don't think that anyone has pushed, per se. People have voiced support 
for specific use cases, described scenarios where it's used, and offered 

I don't think it's a disservice to SVG authors to offer more features in 
SVG, if we can find a way to have them implemented reliably and stably.

That said, I don't think <tref> is necessarily a very important feature. 
I don't think I'd suggest it today; but it is in some existing content, 
especially technical diagrams.

> If <tref> were changed to match <use>'s component model, the
> implementation issues around <tref> would go away. As it's spec'ed
> today, <tref> can reference any node which is why it has been a
> burden on our implementation.

I suggest that the safest path forward would be to try this approach, 
see if it's still an implementation burden, and if not, then everyone's 

We can always decide to remove it if that experiment fails.


Received on Thursday, 27 June 2013 19:50:58 UTC