Re: SVG text wrapping (was: minutes, Tokyo 2013 SVG F2F Day 2, 4 June 2013)

Hi, Paul-

Great questions, thanks for chiming in.

On 6/6/13 10:43 AM, Paul LeBeau wrote:
> How are dx and dy treated in your proposal?  For example, does a
> positive dx, for example, affect wrapping calculations, or is are the
> offsets applied afterwards?

There are a few options, but it was suggested during the CSS WG that we 
"flatten" the text, ignoring the x, y, dx, and dy on <tspan>s. This 
seems like a pretty straightforward approach.

I guess transforms might still be applied.

If an author really wanted to have line breaks within the wrapped text, 
they could set the <tspan> to display:block, just as they would with a 
<span> inside a <p> in HTML. (Or they could use HTML in SVG.)

> Also what about textLength?  It is supposed to apply to the whole
> element, but if the element is wrapped, what happens then?

I think the simplest thing to do would be to ignore this inside 
width-wrapped text as well, and if the author wanted to do justification 
(with or without word- and letter-spacing), they would use the various 
properties that CSS offers for justification, like "text-align: justify; 
text-justify: newspaper;".

In general, I favor deferring to CSS on all these behaviors, so that we 
don't have to define complex relationships between conflicting or 
overlapping properties/attributes. It would be much simpler to 
implement, and more consistent and predictable to author.

I'm open to other suggestions, but those are my initial inclinations. Do 
you have thoughts on the matter?


Received on Friday, 7 June 2013 03:50:06 UTC