Re: Promoting more SVG attributes into properties

On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 4:50 PM, Cameron McCormack <> wrote:
> Tab, In your mail to www-style you mention points and then defining it to
> take [ <length> | <percentage> ]#.  points, as well as x/y/dx/dy on text
> content elements, currently use comma-wsp separation (white space or comma
> with optional white space).  Is it deliberate that the property would
> require commas, whereas the presentation attribute would not?  I haven't
> thought about it hard enough to have an opinion on whether that is the right
> way to go.

Ugh, I forgot about that.  I guess we could define the grammar as
"[<length> | <percentage>] [ ,? [<length> | <percentage>] ]*".  I'd
prefer if we were indeed able to switch over to CSS's conventions, but
if not, the grammar is doable.


Received on Friday, 25 January 2013 01:02:42 UTC