RE: text-shadow on <text><tspan><tref>

Actually, the script allows on to specify one's own svg:replicate namespace.
I have generally preferred not to use it because it illustrates the
simplicity better for those who don't understand why svg needs <replicate>.
Once it is declaratively defined, then it becomes moot.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dr. Olaf Hoffmann [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: text-shadow on <text><tspan><tref>

David Dailey:
> Rather than worry about changing the spec to handle such things, I 
> think I would just use <replicate>
> The above should work everywhere
Depending on the viewer I get different results, but no shadow at all ...

> but Firefox which doesn't handle the
> textLength="90" lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs"
> parts
> cheers
> David

I think, it is better to simulate the replication on the server with php or
perl instead of java-script, until there is a declarative solution for this
specified. I do not allow interpretation of java-script in unknown
documents, therefore this has no effect, what is the core information of
such documents, scripts provide only decorative additions. If such effects
are simulated with server sided scripts, the result is predictable and
really informative.
Because those replication elements are not in the namespace of SVG,
conforming viewers should ignore them as not applicable, better to use an
own namespace, if used at all - and then better within a foreignObject or
metadata etc.


Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2013 21:22:15 UTC