RE: Issue with "An SVG Primer for Today's Browsers"

Yes, there are a few of these sorts of errors. I've been collecting such
things in a folder, for the next round of revision whenever that might be.
Sorry for any hardship and thanks for the report.


David Dailey


From: Doss, Otis W., III [] 
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 3:45 PM
Subject: Issue with "An SVG Primer for Today's Browsers" 


I've been reading "An SVG Primer for Today's Browsers" to learn about SVG a=
nd I had a problem running the examples for the <use> tag.  In the code for=
the example and in the highlighted box, the syntax for the hyperlink to th=
e group to "use" is specified as follows:




In order to get this to work in my browser, Chrome Version 24.0.1312.57 m, =
I had to add an "#" to the id:




Just thought I'd pass this along.



Otis William Doss III


Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory



(240) 228-8398


Received on Sunday, 3 February 2013 13:43:05 UTC