Re: Styling of SVG elements in CSS and SVG specs

On 6/04/13 2:15 AM, Dirk Schulze wrote:
> I did an experimental change of the element name styling for CSS Masking. See:
> Please comment what you think about the change.

I think the angle brackets have a couple of drawbacks.  One is that they 
are also used to indicate CSS grammar symbols (although there is a 
different in the font weight, I'm not sure this is enough).  Second is 
that I feel the angle brackets are too heavy, and distract from the flow 
of reading a sentence.

I assume you don't want to go with the SVG styling convention (still use 
‘…’ around the element name but use dark red as the text colour)?

Another option would be to go with the styling used in HTML and other 
Anolis-generated specs.  That's something like <span style="font-family: 
monospace; color: orange">…</span>.  Though one thing I like about the 
CSS styling is the use of the normal, proportionally spaced font -- 
monospaced font in the middle of a sentence can also bit a bit jarring.

If you feel that font weight is sufficient to distinguish between CSS 
grammar symbols and element names, how about keeping the element name 
bold but going back to ‘…’ surrounding it?  And perhaps going with black 
text, just like you have for attribute names.

Received on Friday, 5 April 2013 23:27:41 UTC