Re: Cross domain resource

On 10/26/12 7:33 PM, Dirk Schulze wrote:
> This seems confusing and should be unified. What about this (simplified):
> <mask>
> 	<rect>
> 		<animate attributeName="width" onend="fire();"/>
> 	</rect>
> </mask>
> This would fire if the snippet is in the same document, but wouldn't if it is in an external one?

That's correct.  Not loaded directly in a browsing context means no 
Window, means no script.

>> Well, you can also extract geometry data from the external document, right?
> With different origin? Maybe I am wrong, but I thought this would not be so easy.

You take a rectangle in your document.  You apply a mask to it.  That 
mask affects hit-testing on the rectangle, no?  So you can extract the 
geometry of the mask.


Received on Saturday, 27 October 2012 01:14:34 UTC