Re: [svg2] radialGradient @fr constraints

Dirk Schulze:
>I want to announce that WebKit switched to the new concept of focal radius 
>and unbound focal point. I added a simple example on the bottom of the mail. 
>You can download a  nightly from and try the demo. We did this to 
>get responses on possible broken content as early as possible - hopefully 
>before shipping it in a release product. So far we are aware of one broken 
>test on the W3C test suite.
If it is already known, that the implementation in WebKit is broken, if 
the noted focal points coordinates are outside the r-circle, why isn't this
simply fixed? Would be fine, before such a version of a viewer is

If you need response on broken content without automatic correction:
As already mentioned, in my art gallery I use the automatic correction in
combination with animation and in some other documents as well, 
including a publication in a wikibook and a tutorial.
At least for the animated documents, no automatic correction means
a lot of server sided number crunching and huge output to work around such
bugs in viewers - because fx, fy and r can be animated with independent
timing, the file-size of such a 'workaround' can increase by orders of
magnitudes - maybe larger than WebKit can manage, if the server does
user-agent version sniffing and sends the workaround.
For the files without animation - well, typically there will be no server
with user-agent sniffing to generate and send a workaround to WebKit.


Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2012 18:09:13 UTC