Re: pointer-events (was: opacity) applying to text content child elements

On May 27, 2012, at 12:22 AM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

> Cameron McCormack:
>> SVG 1.1 technically does not apply the opacity property to <tspan> and
>> other text content child elements.  Implementations seem to support
>> this, though, so I will make the spec allow this unless there are any
>> objections.
> Similarly, pointer-events technically doesn't apply to <tspan>s either. 
>  This is because it (and opacity) say that it applies to the "graphical 
> elements", and that term includes <text> but not the text content child 
> elements.
On webkit we just look at the text element, not on the inline elements. IIRC we have a test for that in our SVG test suite. According to this test, WebKit fails. But didn't look at it in detail.


Received on Sunday, 27 May 2012 13:43:10 UTC