gradient stop-color inheritence

Hello all!

I am in the process of building an SVG implementation and have a question about one of the test cases, pservers-grad-18-b.  As far as I can tell, all browsers implement the test case incorrectly, or the test case itself is incorrect.  The test case concerns the inheritance of the stop-color and stop-opacity properties.  It is my understanding that according to the spec, when the 'inherit' value is specified for a property, the computed value of the property is taken from the parent element.  However, in the test case, the parent element (a <linearGradient> element) does not have a stop-color or stop-opacity property and the reference rendering appears to be inheriting the values from the <g> element another level up.  Am I just misunderstanding the spec, or is there an exception to the inheritance rules for the stop-color and stop-opacity properties that I missed?  Aside from the description below the test case which says "the stop-color is inherited from the location of the gradient definition", I could not find any reference to this exception, if it exists.  If the test case is wrong, the next test case pservers-grad-19-b may also be affected.

Thanks in advance for any clarification.

Received on Sunday, 6 May 2012 05:25:05 UTC