Re: [css3-images] Image Fragments and SVG URIs

Dirk Schulze:

>The example for 'Image Fragments' [1] on the CSS3 images spec has an example 
>for media fragment identifiers:
>	background-image: image('sprites.svg#xywh=40,0,20,20')
>#xywh is the media fragment identifier. This is clearly in conflict with 
>SVG's URI for references [2]. URIs make it possible to target elements by id 
>within an SVG image.

SVG has already functionalities for such applications defined:
Because this is already a recommendation, it will be more
useful to hamonise other drafts with SVG instead of introducing
potentially incompatible new syntax for something, that already
works. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here ;o)
should note something like this:
background-image: image('sprites.svg#svgView(viewBox(40,0,20,20)))
to get the intended and recommended behaviour and should reference
the SVG section with the more general concept, to be able to note other
parameters as well as the intended aspect ratio, additional transformations
Obviously for a SVG document with the full profile one can as well
reference a view element with id='xywh' with a viewBox(40,0,20,20)
to be able to note this: 
background-image: image('sprites.svg#xywh')


Received on Sunday, 1 July 2012 10:15:13 UTC