Re: Allowing <mask>, <clipPath> etc. to target their parents

On Tue, 21 Feb 2012 06:19:16 +0100, Brian Birtles <>  

> font -> <font> ?

The font property shorthand? It uses font-family names, not id's.

> <font-face-uri xlink:href> -> <font>

The font-face-uri element is how to reference external font content sure,  
but you can already put svg font content directly in <font-face> without  
using the <font-face-uri> element.

> For properties we could have:
>   clip-path: <funciri> | none | inherit | child
>If it's 'child', it means "find the first child element that is a  
> <clipPath> and use that."

For the case where there is more than one child <clipPath> element what  
you are proposing is different from how e.g feComponentTransfer [1]  
handles the same case (rationale in [3]). It is however similar to how  
<title> is chosen, and I think it's better to align with <title> here.

> In either case, the absence of xlink:href means, "but what about the  
> children?"
> As well as extending the grammar for various CSS properties, this would  
> also mean changes to the permitted child content of various elements.
> What do you think?

I quite like the proposed syntax.

The foreignObject element in SVG Tiny 1.2 is actually already using the  
scheme you are proposing, where if xlink:href is missing you render the  
children[3]. Note that invalid values in xlink (a broken link etc) do not  
affect the choice, it's only whether the attribute was specified or not,  
same as for the animation elements.


Erik Dahlstrom, Core Technology Developer, Opera Software
Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
Personal blog:

Received on Tuesday, 21 February 2012 11:24:37 UTC