Re: Adjustment requests for the new Spec

On 20/08/11 10:23 AM, Frost, Jon A. wrote:
> Great to see the SVG 1.1 2nd has been finalized -


> You may know of these issues already:
> -- Please adjust the PDF that the spec links to so that chapters 4, 5, and 6 are in the correct order
> -- Also in section 4.4, the actual colors are not appearing in the list of keyword names.
> -- Also, ideally the examples in the PDF would link out the to examples on the w3c.
> -- Oh, and I just noticed that the reason the chapters in the PDF were ordered incorrectly is due to the mis-ordering of the chapters in the spec.

My mistake on the misordering.

Not sure why the colour patches aren't rendering in the PDF.  I'll look 
at that too.

I took out the links to the examples since I thought it wouldn't be as 
useful to include them there compared to viewing the HTML online.

I'll look into updating the PDF.

Received on Saturday, 20 August 2011 01:02:22 UTC