Re: enable-background and filters

On 01-08-11 06:08, Rik Cabanier wrote:
> ...
>> Render all children of Ai up to but*not including Ai-1* into BUFi. The
>> children are painted, then filtered, clipped, masked and composited
>> using the various painting, filtering, clipping, masking and object
>> opacity settings on the given child.
>>From my example:
> Buf3 will contain the content of A3 up to A2.
> If <rect x="25".../> had been a group with blending and filtering, it
> would be "painted, then filtered, clipped, masked and composited using
> the various painting, filtering, clipping, masking and object opacity
> settings on the given child."
> What do you think?

Sounds sensible, I think it was the "up to but not including" that threw
me off. I think it makes sense now, if we run into additional problems
I'll let you know. Who knows, with a bit of luck we'll finally have a
conforming implementation of enable-background in Inkscape when the next
release comes out :)

Received on Monday, 1 August 2011 08:11:38 UTC