Re: Some comments on <image>

ddailey wrote:

> Understood. Does it deserve a revisit in light of the billion+ instances 
> of legacy content though? Maybe it's not a big issue, but the footprint 
> of a GIF unpacker is maybe less of a concern now?

Apart from animation, it doesn't add anything, and animation should be
done using SVG mechanisms, in SVG.  For a very long time the two mass
market uses of GIF have been animation and for material that is much
better represented in vector formats (also small icons).  Greyscale
imagery is something of a specialist area.  (Most cases where PNG might
be used are also better done in vector format - although I see a trend
in PDF to using less vector imagery and more DCT (i.e. JPEG), which is
my point about user ignorance, as the imagery is often business or
science graphics.)

This isn't so much about what browsers actually do as what authors can

David Woolley
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Received on Monday, 20 September 2010 06:25:32 UTC