Re: [css-style-attr] SVG WG comments on CSS Styling Attributes Level 1

Four and a half points:

One of the important features of SVG is that it is indefinitely scalable. 
None of us knows, for example, what level of minuscule detail someone may 
wish to put into a tiny part of a vastly larger image.

CSS is not intuitively accessible to the neophyte. Like any other language 
has to be learned. A small additional detail that a proportion of human 
readers may be unfamiliar with, and which in any case they are unlikely to 
encounter, is unlikely to be an insuperable obstacle to them.

Failing to provide for a foreseen requirement invariably proves to have 
been a bad design decision, especially when it is highly debatable that 
there is any significant cost.

Making expedient concessions when a design dialogue is at an impasse also 
usually leads to regret. Throwing open for wider debate can be a means of 
resolution, but only if both sides are prepared to be receptive to what ensues.

(While the inventor of CSS may deserve some special latitude, 'over my 
body' does not sound like a remark, even if a throw-away, from someone who 
is being completely open minded.)

Charles Lamont

Received on Thursday, 2 September 2010 22:57:43 UTC