RE: Minutes, 26 October 2010 SVGWG telcon


> Implementation query
>    ED: it was out of date until a moment ago
>    <ed>
>    [12]

>    lementation_query.xml
>      [12]

> tion_query.xml
>    AG: it obviously didn't get the right file
>    ED: and it still lists some of the revision numbers as unknown and
>    that needs to be fixed
>    <scribe> ACTION: Anthony to fix the revision numbers in the
>    implementation query file [recorded in
>    [13]]
>    <trackbot> Created ACTION-2886 - Fix the revision numbers in the
>    implementation query file [on Anthony Grasso - due 2010-11-02].

ACTION-2886 has now been completed and is now closed.

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Received on Thursday, 28 October 2010 00:26:46 UTC