Re: Accessing the animated position of an SVG element

Hi Cameron!

You wrote:
"The transform due to the current motion animation is not exposed
anywhere in the SVG DOM, as far as I'm aware.  I think the best you
could do is to wrap the <rect> in a <g> and then call getBBox() on the

and pointed to the nice little example at

In this example running in Webkit (Safari 5 and Chrome)
the x attribute of the object when clicked is exposed, but I assume this is a bug (since it behaves much more like I expected in FF4, Opera and IE/ASV where it isn't exposed).

Can we turn the Chrome behavior into a feature though? There are lots of times when folks would like to know where something is without having to wrap it in a g. Although, I suppose wrapping in a <g> will work for most cases as the original poster acknowledged.


Received on Sunday, 24 October 2010 15:20:27 UTC