Re: <animateColor>

Hi David,

	I think that's a historical artifact of coming from SMIL. SMIL
defined it and SVG used it. So yes the functionality appears replicated
but it was originally part of the SMIL language that SVG inherited so
there may have been other reasons in that dialect to distinguish between
the two, but I don't know of any examples myself.


--Original Message--:
>What does <animateColor> give us that <animate> doesn't? I can't tell if the 
>spec requires it, but all browsers seem to allow <animate 
>attributeName="fill" values="purple;plum;papayawhip"  ...etc...> just fine. 
>Is it just out of the kind hearts of the browsers that this works or does 
>the spec require it?
>thanks in advance,

Received on Tuesday, 12 October 2010 13:07:58 UTC